Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Superheroes and the Olympics!

 Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well so far. Let me catch you up on what's been going on here at AOHC! Last week was Superhero Training Academy week! Teachers have been helping our friends here learn that although they can't fly, move super heavy things, or turn invisible, being a helper or a good friend can be a superpower. We also added some fun activities like; dressing up as your favorite superhero, making our own superhero masks, we even danced to the song, "Superheros Unite" by Koo Koo Kangaroo! Last Friday we ended a week with a BANG! Krypto (Superman's dog) flew by the school to drop off his all famous Wonder Dogs for families to enjoy on their way home for the weekend. It was a big hit let me tell you!

This week is Olympics week! Where we're off to the races and moving our bodies! So far this week we have color sorted the Olympic colors. With our shape of the month being circles, some classes used the colored circles to help friends find toys that are the same color and put them in the correct areas. Other classes actually made the Olympic rings themselves! Today, classes had a paper plate ice skating activity. It took a few times for some friends to get the hang of it but it was so fun to watch. I can't wait to see what our friends do for the rest of this week! We will have lots more to look forward to! 

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