Thursday, January 23, 2025

Winter Fun!

Hi everyone! I hope you all have been staying warm these past couple of weeks. The weather hasn't been the most predictable. Let's catch up on what's been going on! Last week, we had some winter-themed activities along with some curriculum activities. Classes had their own version of a polar bear craft, an ice painting activity, and our PS & PK classes read the story "The Little Red Hen." It's a good lesson that hard work reaps good outcomes. Our friends also got active inside since it has been so cold lately with a yoga activity. 

This week, we have had Dean Alan, the magician, come for a visit and perform his Winter Extravaganza! He is a favorite here at AOHC, so much so that even our two-year-old friends laughed and participated through the entire show. It was a great time! Our oldest PK classes had their Frogstreet activity, where they made some wiggly spiders, and today, we built some salads for families to take home. Friday, we will be playing "Pin The Nose On Frosty." It'll be interesting to see how our older friends will do. We hope you have a great rest of your week!

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