Thursday, October 15, 2015

Pip Squeaks Speech Screening

Last week we has Ms. Tara from PipSqueak Speech Therapy came to evaluate our students. We had the parents who were interested sign their children up and they each had a chance to be evaluated. We interviewed Ms. Tara and asked her a couple questions about the value of having your child screened.

1. Why are speech screening important? Speech screenings help us identify potential delays in speech, language, or communication. They also help identify kids who are at risk for delays.

2. What do they help show us for the future? Early identification means we can start therapy early. Research shows that early intervention leads to faster progress than if therapy is started later in life. While some kids may "grow out of" their speech delays a speech and language pathologist can look for red flags that could indicate the child won't grow out of it. 

3. What kinds of problems will they prevent? Speech and language delays are correlated with literacy development and academic success. Early intervention can close gaps in skills that are needed for school success, giving  kids the tools they need when they start kindergarten. Also, it can prevent behavior problems (in younger children) that are related to inability to communicate effectively. 

4. How often are screenings needed? Depending on the child's areas of concern and age, screenings should be completed every 6-12 months.

5. When should you start screening your child? As soon as you or the child's teacher or doctor have a concern. It is also always a good thing to be proactive and have them screened if you are unsure.

6. Do you have any recommendations for other screenings that are beneficial to:
A)Pre-school aged children-eyes, ears, occupational therapy, physical therapy(motor skills)
B)School-aged children-screenings for literacy development (phonological awareness, phoneme awareness)

We hope this informational interview was helpful for you! If you would like to get in contact with Ms. Tara she can be reached at  (615)587-2683 or visit their website here.

For more information about our program and the activities we do click here.

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