Thursday, August 5, 2021

Camping and Building Weeks

The last two weeks have been full of learning and fun! Last week our focus was on camping, so the classes explored all things related to camping and camping safety. Here are some safety tips to share with your kiddos: Always stay together, stay away from bodies of water (unless you're with an adult), always keep your shoes on to protect your feet, do not eat things (berries and seeds) that you are unfamiliar with, and no petting the wildlife. Remember, we are visitor in the animals' homes and we always want to be respectful when we are visiting.  On Monday, the classes made their own "bracelets" around the campfire. Tuesday was a fun filled day of tie dye! Wednesday, you may have noticed a special smores snack at pickup and Thursday we explored the stars. This week, our friends have been testing their building abilities with several different building elements. We have seen some awesome towers made from hollow cardboard boxes and plastic cups. There are so many options for building; we can make bridges, schools, castles, playgrounds, cars, and train stations. The possibilities are endless! Can you think of other ideas for building?  

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