Friday, September 22, 2023

My Feelings

 Hello everyone! Fall is just around the corner! Aren't you all excited?! I know we will be more excited once the weather starts cooling down a little bit. So far, it's been a little too warm, but we are definitely NOT going to let that stop us! This week was about our feelings. One of the biggest things we love to teach here at The Academy is, how to understand and navigate through big or small feelings. We believe that feelings, big or small, should be heard from everyone. 

The other things we enjoyed doing this week were having nature walks. Where classes grabbed some things that they saw while outside to use for their class wreaths. We then did an emotion monster match where the older classrooms were matching together each monster with the correct emotion, it was also National Cheeseburger Day on Monday so friends did some activities in honor of it. What a fun filled week! 

Friday, September 15, 2023

My Senses

 Hey everyone! I hope you all are doing well! This week is about our senses! Why are they important? How do our senses keep us safe? How do our senses help us learn? These are the questions that teachers were going over during circle times this week. Where would we be without them!?

The kids got to use their sense of smell and sense of touch! It was so fun to watch their wheels turn as they tried to figure out what each scent was or what item they were touching. To top things off, we got to dance to the song, "Five Senses" by Shawn Brown. What a fun week!

Friday, September 8, 2023

Physical Me

 Hey everyone! We hope that you all had a relaxing Labor Day Weekend! This week was about, "Physical Me!". We played the Red light, Green light Game to really get the bodies moving, teachers talked about the human body during circle time, and had a yoga session in the enrichment room! We hope you get moving this weekend!